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Lomi Lomi

The Lomi Lomi massage is a traditional Hawaiian massage and very rhythmic and flowing. It is much more than just a wellness massage. It can be seen as a healing treatment, because it has the claim to massage not only the body but also the soul. A lot of oil is used, which originally came from the Kukui nut of the light walnut tree. The massage should not only have a relaxing effect but also release blockages on a mental and physical level.


In the first part of the treatment, the back is usually massaged, stretched and stretched. Thereby mental blockades are released. The next part is about the front side, which is stretched and stretched again and thus the energies are balanced. It also serves to regain strength. In the meantime or at the end, arms, legs and feet are massaged. The joints of arms and legs are also loosened occasionally.

For the Lomi massage, the masseur uses hands, elbows and forearms, which are used for kneading, pressing and rubbing. The word Lomi describes exactly these activities.

Health benefits

Many hundreds of years ago Lomi Lomi massage was used by island peoples in the southern Pacific Ocean to cure diseases as well as to cleanse the body internally. It was considered a sacred ritual. Even in today's application it helps against

  • Back pain
  • Stress
  • Headache
  • General body tension
  • Depression

Other positive aspects are better blood circulation in the body and a strengthening of the immune system, as an American study has shown. It is recommended to drink plenty of water after a session, which usually lasts 1 to 2 hours.

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