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The secret of erotic crackling...

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Anyone who treats himself to a massage from time to time knows that there are many different offers and the treatments are also very different. So even a normal classic massage will feel a little different with each masseuse. Mostly, of course, the procedures are similar, but in the detail lies the spice. Especially with erotically-inspired massages, these details are essential to me and determine whether I leave a place satisfied or not.

The impetus for writing this post was a recent and disappointing experience at a "Japanese massage" in Germany. The point is this: If it's clear from the start that a fine massage will be included at the end, then there's nothing to stop a touch of eroticism accompanying the treatment even beforehand.

What do I imagine under it? Quite simply, that even during the massage is gently stroked for a short time and now and then the intimate area is touched. Small effort, big effect. You lie there and enjoy. What could be better than being slowly prepared for the big moment? Relaxation and pleasure in one. The erotic crackling just ...

It's a pity that you always come across ladies who have never heard of this recipe (or don't want to hear about it). And so I come back to my experience mentioned at the beginning - by the way number 2 on my negative ranking list. So now I lie there and let myself be massaged, actually it was more an uncoordinated oil rub, a whole 55 minutes. The unmotivated fine massage then filled the last 5 minutes. Previously, no touches in the intimate area. I even had almost the feeling, it is meticulously made sure that such a contact also does not happen. In a normal and serious massage yes absolutely ok, but quite insane when a fine massage is a clear part of the offer.

Well, so I was one experience richer and one more name on my list of places I will no longer visit.

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